Who do you think is the most misunderstood celebrity and why?


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Celebrities are human just like us so let's have a bit of pity/sympathy/empathy/understanding.

I really feel for Kerry Katona. She's the perfect example of someone the press once turned into the nation's sweetheart after she won "I'm A Celebrity...", only for them to chew her up and spit her out when she stopped being so "perfect". What people forget is that she has mental health problems - bipolar disorder to be exact - which accounts for her erratic behaviour a lot of the time. Anyone who brands her a chav or anything else negative needs to read her autobiography. Not only is it heart-breaking but she comes across as a very real, very genuine and very caring girl. Yes, she took drugs a few years ago, but she is not robot, she is human and as imperfect and as capable of making mistakes as the rest of us. The difference is, she makes her mistakes in the public eye, whereas the rest of us get the luxury of making the same mistakes privately. She's come through a lot the past few years and needs our support, not her criticism.

Please don't use this question as an opportunity to b*tch about celebrities you don't like. If you don't agree with my opinion of Kerry Katona or of any celebrities mentioned in the answer, just don't answer. Thanks.
Miley Cyrus.

people always end up finding something wrong about her pictures and what she does.
I think Britney Spears is very sadly misunderstood. I know I take the risk of sounding cliche, but everyone really needs to back off of her a little bit. When they had those pics of her walking on the street crying I felt bad because I have had days like that and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. She is just human.
Prince! Some question still if its a man or women. His sexual orientation, and race are also in question.
None. My life is interesting enough so that I don't spend my time delving into others lives.
I think Marilyn Manson
Even I don't understand his beliefs. He's very weird and 'satanic' but he has nice reasoning.
try to research about him.
I think michael jackson is the most misunderstood. people take him as a pedophile yet he was proven innocent by the countrys best judge.

Michael is so caring and has done nothing but give to people.
Brittney Spears the media also chewed her up and drove her insane. Her mom did too, but not everyone cares about that fact. They just care about getting into someone else's life no matter what it costs. I hate tabloids with a passion. They are stupid and the only reason they are still around is because stupid people buy them. Most of the things they say are blown out of proportion or they are things that no one should care about. It's kind of like high school gossip with 10 times the drama and they are all so harsh. The media is just feeding Brittney with the bad attention she wants. Of course they don't care if it makes them money.