Who do you think is going to win BlueRay or HD?



OK HD-DVD is that better. but i thought it was understood. HD-DVD or BlueRay
I heard this today on the radio. It seems very likely that HD-DVD (Toshiba) will be the winner. Sony already lost on the beta max in the 70s/80s, for pretty much the same reason they'll lose this format war. Price! The beta max in 1975 cost $500. Who, in 1975, had $500? Today, they said on the radio, HD DVD cost about $175 retail (even cheaper on the street). Blue Ray cost $400 (either a blueray player or ps3 about the same)
Blu-Ray, owing to what is a great shift from the Powers That Be
I am partial to blu-ray because I own a PS3 but it does seem that quite a few company's have moved to blu-ray exclusivity Disney for one. It is hard to tall this soon in the game.
Great question. I was so glad to see that manufacturers are starting to build players that can handle both formats -- that wasn't really a possibility back in the Beta/VHS days. And of course, this time Sony is in the hunt again.

Blu-ray seems to have a slight edge in audio, HD seems to have a slight advantage in storage capacity.

Right now, Blockbuster and Netflix are both offering either format. If either one (or both) picks a format, that will be it. Game over.

I predict Blu-ray. Sony has thrown its weight behind it, and they MAKE a lot of the movies. The biggest force behind HD-DVD is Microsoft, and they are rapidly becoming a dinosaur.
HD-DVD has pretty much already lost, Blu-Ray has more supporting companies and is more advanced technology.
ok FIRST off, pointed at one of the answers here hd tv has nothing to do with hd or blu ray. HD stands for high definition, hd and blu ray are both high definition, so dont confuse tv cable with that.

Blu ray will win, It is much clearer then hd. And there are so many large companies backing blu ray such as sony (one of the largest electronics companies in the world), panasonic, lg, samsung, sharp, etc. Plus blu ray has the backing of disney which is one of the largest companies in the world, and there are rumors of the adult industry moving to blu ray and that is the largest industry in the world.