Who do you think has it worse?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
1 person: when she was little her mom would hit her sometimes and yell at her, when they made a big move things go wrose. Her mom would always scream at her dad for the littlest things. her dads job wasent in the state that they moved to so he would travel every week there and only come home to be a father on weekins. he mom had a drinking and smoking problem and she would always critize the girl when she never tryed enough but the thing was that she always tryed her hardest. she been to tharapi about her family issues and her moms promised to change but seems to make no effeort in changing and her dad still travel ands every week and only comes home on weekins.

2 person: his dad left him when he was three and never wants to talk him or his mother ever again. his father has another family who he treat no better. his mom trys her hardest to support her son but has a short temper (also the son). whenever the son makes a "big" comosen, the mother calls the cops on him.
He “finally” thinks he found the right girl but later she dumps him for “space”. His dad decides never to speak to him again and when he needs him, he just ignores him.

Now please tell me who has it worse. Im not one of these people so im not trying to make it seem like I do, but please answer my question.