which way is she spinning?

Yes, they're different, but NOT IN A WAY THAT DISTINGUISHES FRONT FROM BACK. You could define either one of those images to be front if you wanted.

No, the information is gone once the object is collapsed into a 2D plane. The information just doesn't exist anymore. It's impossible to distinguish, because she would cast the same shadow with her right leg raised facing away from you as she does with her left leg raised facing toward you.

Essentially, yes. I simplified a bit, and I was afraid someone would miss the point because of that.

He called one front and one back, but you could just as easily switch the labels and nothing is wrong with the images.
I simply called BOTH images as the "back". Because it took me a while to change the directions, I just couldn't believe what I am seeing anymore, so I took snapshots when I brain 'thinks' I am seeing the back, and I did it for both directions.

Of course they both could as well be the "front".
Well, although I can change the direction of spin of the lady, and even make her rock from side to side through 180 degress, I have absolutely no idea what these magic eye pictuers are of!!! So not sure how that helps yuor wife LF sorry .
the magic eye pictures are pretty easy. If you look *through* the picture (unfocus your eyes) a 3D image appears.
Maybe my left brain is insanely dominant, but there is no way she is spinning clockwise. using her chest and left arm or butt and left leg you can plot the rotation easily.
Look at them - one clearly shows a foot placement facing forward. yes in a way that distinguishes front from back.. (to me....)

look at her foot! (the one toward the ground.) in one frame it is facing front in the other it faces to the back. edit. this one could be ambiguous i suppose.

Am i going crazy

That's the way I see it too, and I can't understand how it could possibly look different to anyone else!
It doesn't have to be identical like bit to bit, it just have to be symmetrical enough so that her foot can be either pointing forwards you or away from you.

I suppose the non-symmetrical "jitteriness" is what made it appear 3D.

You'll see what I mean when you get it to spin the other way...

I got it to spin one direction when I was reading the stuff on that page and try to think through it, and I get it to spin the other way when I start to watch TV.

The "bird" name is "鍾舒漫".

Well she debuted in Hong Kong with a MA related song, so there, not so much !!
I have got it to spin the other way..

In one of those pictures her foot can only be seen to face forward. The other picture shows it facing back - if that was the only image we were looking at you could interpret that one as ambiguos i suppose. Given that i have seen the frames, that one is an image that distinguishably shows the back of her foot - facing away.

I'm not trying to be difficult... honest. Just sayin' what I'm seeing.
Sigh. No..... you're wrong

Why is this simple concept so hard for people to understand???


Same thing as above. You can't tell if he is facing away or towards you.

What's with the childish ranting?

Please look at the stills posted by New Guy.

In one the shadow of her foot is clearly pointing to the back. If you distinguish that as her being forward then i think that is a mistake - going by how we interpret what we see in the world.

The other one is more ambiguos to me now.. similar to the pic you posted..
Unfortunately, you're wrong about that. The image would be exactly the same if you flipped her front and back.

Look at it like this, the stills he posted contain no depth information whatsoever (not just because they're 2D images, but because they're silhouettes. So, take a real object and completely flatten it out, so that everything exists in a single plane.

Now keep pulling on the object so that you turn it inside out. You've now flipped the front and back.

Take this new object that has the front and back flipped and flatten it out. You get the same flat object that you did before.

There's no way to distinguish between having flattened the original object or the object with the front and back flipped. The both have the same projection onto a plane.

The fact that your brain wont allow you to see her foot facing forward is just because you've chosen to percieve it with her foot facing backward, not because the silhouette would actually be different with her foot facing forward.
Although I can ot tell tht the figure is facing away or towards me, I have to be honest and after looking at if for a fair bit of time I only see it as a bloke facing away from me and slightly slouching to the right!!! No matter how hard I try to imagine the figure fcing me, I don't see it! Go figure!