which way is she spinning?

Another thing that's freaking me out about it is, when it is spinning clockwise one leg is in the air, but the other leg is in the air when she goes anti-clockwise.
No, there's nothing "funny" about it. It comes from the fact that you can't tell which side of her is in front and which side is in back, since the shadow appears the same way whichever side is facing front, the direction you see her rotate depends on which way you've decided she's facing.

The part about right-brained vs. left-brained is probably a load of crap, though. Especially since your choice of rotation direction has more to do with front/back symmetry than left/right symmetry.

I started out seeing clockwise and couldn't get it to switch to counter-clockwise at first. Now I can pretty much get it to do whatever I want.
Lots of people have skill sets in differing areas ie. Art, Maths, Logic, Music etc. each of these are inherant in different areas of the brain, some on the left some on the right. Why the spinning determines which side I have no idea... I know the arms and legs are controlled by alternate sides of the brain... but what about the eyes ? Meh..
I think those of us who are left-handers can probably make the girl spin both ways better than right handers. Something about weaker lateralisation between the two sides of the brain.
Not sure I understand this, but I am right handed and have no problem in spinning her both ways. Does this mean I have weak lateralisation (and what is that by the way???)
I have a feeling the perceived direction of motion is determined only by whether you see an individual frame as a figure with one leg raised facing towards you, or a figure with the other leg raised facing away from you.

Each pose option is a mirror image of the other, and being a silhouette every frame is totally ambiguous in that regard, but why a particular brain should want to see a girl with a particular leg raised I don't know.
It is determined by which side of here you see as facing the front.

For example, if I'm facing toward a wall or away from a wall, I cast the same shadow, assuming the left and right sides of my body are symmetric. You have no way of knowing which way I'm facing. The initial direction that I'm facing determines the direction of rotation that you perceive.

For example, if I'm facing toward the wall and turning clockwise, I cast the same shadow as if I'm facing away from the wall turning counter clockwise. In both instances, after rotating 90 degrees, my face will be pointing to the right.

There's no reason. It's a question of front/back symmetry, not left right symmetry, so I can't think of any reason that being left or right brained would affect the way you see the image, unless left brained people have a tendancy to think people are facing toward them and right brained people think other people are facing away from them.
You guys basically said what I said earlier. Just more eloquently and understandable. Thanks
She's gone the other way and switched for me now a few times.. woo! but random, don't seem to be able to control it . Last night a looked at it from home for the first time and she was going anti then it switched back pretty quickly - kinda freaked me out a bit! And today again, she was back to clockwise. i looked away, then when i looked back she was going anti, but it only lasted a short while.

Seems that for whatever reason or no reason my perception favours the clockwise rotation.

pretty trippy

Haven't quite understood the mechanics of the image, but good stuff AZ and medi.
