Which trending topic on Yahoo's main page right now is most interesting to you?


New member
Apr 17, 2013
Mine is "Fox pulls Family Guy". Here's the full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/fox-pulls-family-guy-episode-referring-to-deaths-at-boston-marathon-no-plans-to-re-air/2013/04/16/87620160-a6e3-11e2-9e1c-bb0fb0c2edd9_story.html

Weird coincidence, huh? (Which it is by the way. Some people smell a conspiracy, which is ludicrous in all honesty...)
@Schrodinger's Cat: I guess it's a good thing I don't have a Facebook or something, because my eyes would hurt from rolling so much.
Same as you. I haven't seen the show in forever, but I'm sure he didn't mean to have the episode be around the same time as an actual attack.
Ugh, tell me about the conspiracy. For the past two days all I see is "ITS DA ILLUMINATI" on every social media network I've been on.

I saw that family guy clip. I heard it was actually an edit of two separate episodes that someone just put together and was sharing everywhere.

I was just watching the video where they talk about the suspect. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/boston-marathon-investigation-fbi-announce-substantial-progress-probe-170749073.html
Seth Macfarlane must be some magic being. He avoided dying in 9/11 and he foretold the Boston Marathon Tragedy....wow.

But to answer your question, I guess the TIME magazine cover photo controversy.