Which should I learn? Jiu Jitsu, karate, or taekwondo.?


New member
May 5, 2013
Hello, well I am 16 years old. I know this is not the prime age to learn but better late than never. The reason I am asking is, I want to learn self defense. The reason I have limited it down to these three is that these are the only ones that are being taught in my area. For some extra information, I am wavy. In like if you tried to hit me, I would be out of the way rather easily. I don't want to learn to be violent, I just want to learn to know how.
It depends on what you're interested in but all martial arts will give you the skills necessary to defend yourself should you need to. However this is provided you have a solid qualified instructor.

Instead of focusing on the martial art you take, focus on the school and the teacher you want to train with. A good teacher can make any martial art effective in a self defense situation.

- Hope this helps
I'd recommend checking out each in person. The key to developing good self defense and fighting skills is exposure. That means that to learn to fight or defend yourself, you need to actually be exposed to violence and learn from experience. The best way to do so is full contact sparring. Find out which school utilizes full contact sparring to the fullest extent possible and train there because in the same way that one can't learn to swim without getting in the water, or how to cook without ever trying to make anything, one can't learn to fight without getting a feel for actually fighting either.
Visit all of the schools and pick the one with the best teacher.

Otherwise, all things being equal, I would suggest jujutsu.