Which phone is the most classy looking? Lg env2 Lg Venus or Lg Dare?


May 16, 2008
I don't care about specs, qwerty, cameras, and all the bells and whistles. I care about the overall appearance. Give me your opinions because I am leaning toward the Venus but I still can't decide.

My Pros:

Env2: Black and silver, smaller than the original brick, qwerty gives it some flirtation and some fun factor overall I give it a 6 out of 10 on the class-o-meter.

Dare: All touch makes it so attractive and sleek, resembles the LG Prada, every time i see it it makes me stop and go hmm wow I give it a 7 out of ten on the class-o-meter [appearance wise]

Venus: The slider feature gives it the flirty fun kind of thing, it is partial touch which makes it high tech which in turn makes it look more classy especially with the mirrored finish and the silver framing. The leather backing screams class and everytime i see it and feel it im like mmm helloooo how you doin [lol] I love the contemporary styling of the black and navy contrast of the checkered buttons and the side plastic part being navy odly enough goes great with the balack scheme and makes it look so great...its weight also feels really classy i give it a 7.5

the cons [in a nutshell this is getting long x-x]

Env2: Calculator looking, the full qwerty makes it a little bulky, numbers are huge and ridiculous, overall qwerty phones IMHO are ugly

Dare: The weight of it makes it feel cheap looking and cheaply made, the qwerty again although touch im not a big fan [yes ive played with all three] also, it seems very very cliche and I like unique things, I don't see alot of Venus phones out there as much as I see Dares and Env2's also holding the dare makes me feel like I'm "jones-ing" and thats not at all what im after im just all about feeling and looking good I love fashion and my job allows me to have nice things like designer stuff although I do not go crazy with it...i am due for a new phone adn want one to match my sophisticated eclectic kidn of lifestyle [i hope i dont come off as snooty or B!@#$y because im really not I just like nice things.

Venus:I reall cant complain about it...

But I really want all of your input to give me reasons why you feel one might look classier than the other because I really value your opinions. thats what makes Y!A a great place to be...You might point out something i missed about one so please please give me input :D

Thank you so much!
i have the env2 and i have no complants. i think it is a great phone and i would deffenatly reccomend getting one if youare like me and dont like touch screens. if you do like them then the dare is a great phone. everything about it i like, even though it is a bit pricey.

hope this helped
i know people who have all those phones.
the venus- my dad has. it looks nice at first but its so hard to naviagate and it gets boring.
the env 2- almost too small of keys and the screen its ugly
the dare- my friend has it! its one of the best touch phones i think out there im not sure what you think but if i had to pick between i would go with the
DARE! good luck=]
LG Venus - IMO this phone is just straight up ugly and not classy at all. (no offense to your opinions though)

LG Dare - I've actually owned the LG Prada you're talking about and it was pure rubbish. I upgraded (more like a downgrade) to it from the iPhone and the user interface was TERRIBLE. The touch sensitivity also was that great. (one of the biggest annoyances was the tiny slide bar used to navigate through lists like contacts) I've also played with the LG Vu which also was that great. I'm 90% sure that the LG Dare, Vu, and Prada all have similar interfaces and imo they are terrible. they look classy, but it's really not worth it.

LG enV2 - I actually know quite a few people with this phone and I actually had the chance to play with it for a bit =p

if you can get over the calculator look then I think you'll find it to be a great choice. (the env2 looks so much better than the first one still)