Which NXT rookie should get the WWE contract?


New member
Jun 12, 2008
I think Daniel Brian should get the contract! I am impressed by him. This kid has what it takes to be a wwe super star. hmmm he is more of a man Michele Cole ever will be!
Daniel Bryan if WWE is smart.

If t hey reject him you can bet he will probably go to TNA instead. It would just be another great acquisition for TNA if they get him. He would fit in great with Desmond Wolfe, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, etc., etc.

The rest of the guys are so/so. Otunga is a pompous self-centered jerk. Slater is ok but, he's real green. Justin Gabriel is not bad as in my second favorite. The big British guy is so/so. The black guy with weird hair is forgetable. The big Texas guy isn't bad. I kind of like him. His skills aren't as diversified as Bryan's or Gabriel's but, you can see him fitting in pretty well with some of the corny stuff WWE likes to do. The black boxer guy is very one-dimensional. He has some decent skills but, a one trick pony. Anybody else? If there is I can't think of them off hand so, they can't be too great.

Daniel Bryan all the way!
I have a few picks the main one being Justin Gabriel

he has talent and looks like he can make it far in the WWE and he will fit in good

Danial Bryan has talent and a lot of it and i see where he gets his online reputation, but he does not have the charisma or the character to make it into the WWE, in the WWE talent only gets you halway, you need to be able to hype the crowds up before and during the matches. Danial Bryan will be just like Shelton benjamin, incredible talent but will not go anywhere

Otunga on the other hand is probably the least talented wrestler there, probably. he is not as technical or clean with his moves as Danial but he has the character, the energy and the character to fit right into the WWE perfectly and maybe right into the IC/US title picture

Wade Barret is another Rookie that has impressed me but not as much as Otunga or Gabriel
Wade Barrett. I like Bryan but his wrestling style will never get over with the casual wwe fans.
Wade Barett he makes such a great heel if he doesent get a contract it'll be such a shame.