Which do you prefer: school or summer vacation?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I like school better, because I'm actually occupied and I get to see my friends. Summer gets boring really fast.
i agree with you ! im goin to a new school , butt im atleast happy to get out the house . summer is boring cuzz i havee nothin to doo !

because 1. i go to college 2. my college is known for hot chicks in my state but sadly because of this their seems to be more and more freshman and immature @ssholes every year. 3. it keeps me occupied. summer used to be fun but since college started it just got boring since everyone is working and with their gf and all that. my own friends from highschool got boring to hang with all they ever want to do is go out to eat and drink since they cannot cook thats all they ever want to do. im not a big fan of drinking nor going out to eat expensive food that i don't care for especially not every single day.

with school i find myself more occupied and learning something rather then just staying home watching tv doing nothing all day. it's fun staying home like on summer vacation but honestly i have stayed home for 1 year straight due to various problems in my life not going to school because of them and just staying home playing videogames. i can honestly tell you how happy i am school has begun.
I think, like you, I like school better. I love being able to see my friends on a daily basis and have something to keep me preoccupied. I still get to go out with my friends, just not quite as often. BUT, on the days that I'm not out with my friends or at school, I still have school work to keep me occupied. And since I'm always so busy, the time that I do spend holed up in my room with books or TV is relaxing instead of boring, like it is during the summer when I do it ALLLL the time. I also like the cooler weather of the school year. I actually even like learning new things. The only thing I like better about summer is being able to sleep all the time.
School! Summer is hot and muggy, while school is nice and cozy and you get winter and Christmas "break" even though it seems to be getting shorter and shorter for the kids..