Which Celebrity you like and hate? And Why? ?


New member
Dec 6, 2008
Which one is the ugliest (not necessarily in this picture)?

Miley Cyrus isnt a sl*t she is a 16 year old trying to impress the paparazzi . So dont be cruel.
I really like people like Rihanna and Reese Witherspoon, famous and pretty =) without drugs and the 'hollywood party scene'

Also i saw a show on Britney Spear - For the REcord
and it really opened my eyes up the teh pressures of young celebrities such as herself. and how easy it is to fall into the wrong moments.

So even though some celebs such as Madonna should just retire and give in that they are to old to do anything, people shouldnt be so harsh.

It dont matter if they are ugly. they are famous cos if the publicity right ?? so if they are ugly and famous - bonus !
I love the jonas brothers because they are all sooo gorgeous and sweet and amazing people. NO ONE will ever top them in my mind
i think lil wayne is really ugly and i hate him b/c he always sounds like he is high wen he is singin.
i like david archileta cause he is cute
I like David Archuleta because he is so nice, sweet, down to earth, an amazing singer, and he writes awesome lyrics.

I don't waste my time hating people that I don't know. I don't like The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus though.

Amy Winehouse and Courtney Love are the ugliest.
In the picture, the left one is like....ewww.

Hottest person/celeb ever to exist is this guy....http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq124/aarfan4lifeanddeath/thPATD1229.png

Ugliest celebs are...http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii275/tuxie0/jonas_brothers.jpg
In the picture, the left one is like....ewww.

Hottest person/celeb ever to exist is this guy....http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq124/aarfan4lifeanddeath/thPATD1229.png

Ugliest celebs are...http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii275/tuxie0/jonas_brothers.jpg