Where did you get your forum usernames?

welll. my mum used to call me 'cheh foota kaka' when i was 18 =P. it means six foot baby. i changed it to 6footgeek and use it for almost everything =P
I didn't know what to choose because my nickname wasn't in use when I joined here. So I used my name.
I've just realised I haven't explained my username.

For some reason I have/had a (purely platonic) thing for llamas. I think it's the way it's spelt and because of a bit of the beginning credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Barry the wonder llama, anyone?). Also, it amuses me. I wonder what llamageddon will be like.

Probably like the alpaccalypse.

Yes, I know I make this joke every time, but I like it. So deal, k?
Lorelei means 'water witch' (well, there are several attributed meanings but that's the one I like to go with).
I have actually explained mine somewhere before, but it was when the JKD class I was in as first taught Kina Mutai...everyone else was dubious whereas I enjoyed chomping on faces
and here i was thinking its because you're a fan of the movie of the same name.
I once typed my name into such a 'transcribe your name into japanese' program.
I'm pretty sure that the result was a complete nonsense, but since then I usually use the last two syllables when I need a username, may it be in games or this strange internet-community-thing wich I got into somehow. MAP, that's the name ...
I did, but I find it fairly cringeworthy nowadays so I keep it buried deep in my subconscious only for it to come out amongst floods of tears, waking up in the middle of the night, screaming WHYYYYY?!
I got username back when I was getting into offtopic about 5 years ago.

Back then offtopic was not the universal term. There were at least half a dozen terms used to describe it like mixed fighting, ultimate fighting, no holds barred, pankration, vale tudo, submission fighting, mixed boxing, etc.

I stumbled over how Tank Abbott was marketed as a "pitfighter" in the early days of the UFC which was a fancy way of saying he was just an ******* who liked to start fights in the bar. After he had some measure of success the term pitfighting became another one of those terms to describe what is now just about universally referred to offtopic.

I always like the word and hence my username.