Where did abiogenesis first occur: clay, boiling ocean/sulpheric atmosphere,...


Jul 7, 2008
...underwater vents, or small pond? Seeing that scientists disagree and have zero evidence to support the theory, which breaks the Law of Biogenesis, I'd like to know what the wise and learned of R&S say.
Acid: Every answer I've seen from you is a nonanswer. If you actually get on R&S daily to merely find new ways of calling people who disagree with you stupid, you are the pathetic little moron I believe you to be. Just answer the question and provide something intelligent to assist in it. Otherwise, I'll just block you like everyone else does because you're an idiot. Thanks =)
Mfh: Ummm...I didn't mention anything about religion or God(s); you did. Think about that. The Law of Biogenesis states that all life comes from life. It has never been broken. Life has never, in the history of humanity, been observed to spontaneously arise from chemicals, gases, etc. Life has never been formed from scatch, not even in the most dedicated of lab experimentation. Amino Acids and proteins are not life, only the building blocks thereof. This law still stands true, even as Abiogenesis has nothing to support it other than the fact that life exists and it's the only theory many scientists will blindly have faith in.
"Law of Biogenesis"

Oh man you've got to love the ignorant sacks who dig this one up every time.
The "learned" kind will tell you that you are ignorant not knowing that evolution does not deal with abiogenesis. In fact, they have no idea, but it's all good $cience.

Edit: In McElligot's pool.
I'd say that you're being disingenuous and that your question is nothing more than trolling. You know that the initial question is impossible to answer, and your additional details are the kind of sophistic pap I am used to seeing from Creationists.
what laws of biogenesis? As far as I currently understand it the current hypothesis is that it occurred near underwater vents, and there is some evidence for this.

Even if we had no evidence for it, how does that prove any divine being? Because all disproving abiogenesis gets us is to we do not know.

by asserting anything else like a divine being actually has to be demonstrated and proved not just asserted because we have no evidence against it.