Where Can I Print Proper Professional Paper DVD Cases?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Hi, I want to make DVDs for my short film and I really want to make original paper DVD foldable cases. Not square DVD sleeves, but proper DVD size cases but made of paper/recycled/sustainable material like for example what you find with collectible DVDs like A.I.(2001) or Bombay Beach (2011). I cannot find anywhere online that does it. I have made my own paper cases which im pleased with but i cant find a Printers' who prints on hard paper....! Do you have any ideas of some place in the UK or online that either does paper DVD cases OR that Prints on custom-made hard paper packages?I repeat, not square paper DVD sleeves but proper cases. Please let me know underneath. Thank you! :)
Printers will do anything. But there can be a lot of costs involved if you want a custom dieline.