Where can I meet girls my type?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I am 19 looking for pale skinned blue eyed girls ranging from 5' to 5'5 that are intellectual, thin, non-religious, feminist, funny, ambitious, supportive, cheap dates, at most moderately neurotic, emotionally straightforward, talkative, polite, sexually and romantically inclined, between 17 and 21, and even tempered. Where oh where can they be?
lol the more time you spend asking this question on Y/A the less time you have to find this type of girl in the real world
lols... you really demand a lot.. believe it or not, the person you're going to marry won't be the same as your dream girl. i've met countless of people like that
your standards are too high bro. you cant live life search for someone who fit your exact needs. relationships are about compromise. each one of you are going to have to accept some qualities you may not like from eachother. you cant be soo picky or you will be lonely for a long time.
good luck with things dude
damn if i was a girl it would be your perfect day cuz i am your exact match ahahhaahah
In your fantasies. Dream on dude and remember that girls in that age range get p.m.s. symptoms every month, so there goes your even~tempered criteria down the drain with the tampons.
what you described seems to be a lot like me exept from 2 things...
i have brown eyes and
i am nearly 15
soz but it seems you have the perfect partner image!!!
gud luk!!! xxx