Where can I download the TARDIS game in the US?


New member
Sep 16, 2010
Now, I don't trust foreign sites much. But it seems to be the only thing I can turn to right now, since BBC doesn't want to allow anyone outside of the UK to download the TARDIS Adventure Game. It's the third game in the Adventure series and I've heard it's the best, and I think it sounds fun. [[Learning to fly the TARDIS? Yes, please~!]]
I've looked it up on YouTube and I can't find anyone who's offering any megaupload links and all that so I can read the comments and see if it's legit.

I'm a big fan of Doctor Who and the new series and I would love if anyone has an idea as to how I can download this game? I'm not too experienced with proxies either, so if someone could explain that if it's the only way, because I wouldn't mind learning.