Where can I buy Nostradamus' book, The Prophecies or his 9 'centuries'? ?


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I am doing a project on quatrains for my poetry class in college. Nostradamus arranged his quatrains into units called 'centuries' and have been published ever since the 1500's. The poems by Nostradamus contain interesting examples of quatrains that I would like to use for my project, but I am having difficulty finding his 'centuries' in local bookstores and libraries. I have found commentaries, biographies, and fictional stories about Nostradamus and his prophecies, but not an actual complete set of his writings. I CANNOT use internet sources, it must be a physical print source. From what store can I buy a book containing all of Nostradamus' prophecies or 'centuries' (translated accurately into English) that does not include any biased interpretations or commentaries?
If they dont have it there, order it on the internet...