Where are you from, and what race are you?

America the good ole' US of A im what many ppl use different terms to describe.

1.African American
2.Black American

yada yada yada

I just consider myself a Human Being that was born,raised,and lives in the United States of America.

i'll let people add all the other crap they want.

Born in City of Westminster within the City of London, England. My mother is half Danish, half Irish and my father is a scouser (Liverpudlian) with Celtic roots.
Born in Seattle, WA

I'm 1/2 Irish, 1/4 Icelandic, 1/4 Finnish.

Give me some whiskey, a longship and a sword and I'll land on your shores and lay seige to your cities! RAPE THE FIELDS AND SALT THE WOMEN!...er something like that.
Chinese but born and raised in England. I'm what Hong Kong people call BBC's and then continue to make fun of my accent
The English part of my Family has been in the USA since the late 1600s/early 1700s, And i assume the Cherokee part of my familys been here Much longer than that.

1/4 Cherokee
1/4 Scottish
1/4 English
1/4 Irish
Born in Wales, lived here for most of my life...
I consider myself British, don't mess around with all that 1/4 stuff, because there is no set thing on how far you go back. Descended from the vikings though
I live in Arizona, but I like to say I'm from Pennsylvania b/c I lived for 13 years before coming here.

100% American all the way through, but....

75% German
25% Serbian
I was born in Texas near Houston, and will be moving back there or somewhere else that resembles civilization once I graduate from school. My nationality is:
50% Scottish (my mom is from Edinburgh)
50% ???? Alabama'n? supposedly there is some indian in there (American Indian) and I have to assume Irish as well (my last name starts with Mc)
I'm pretty much your average caucasian mongrel. My dad's side of the family has lived here in Canada since the late 1700s/early 1800s, (they origianlly came from Ireland) but with all of the immigration to North America at that time I'm sure my family has mingled with a bunch of other races since then.
My mom moved here to Canada from Pennsylvania, and I think her side of the family has been living in the States for quite some time too...I think they are originally from Scotland.
I'm 75% English, 25% Scottish, and last Thursday I became an Australian.

It's true. I've been living in Sydney for about 7 or 8 years now and got my citizenship last week so I can finally have a vote.
I live in Middle Earth and am 25% French, 25% German, 25% Scots and 25% English/Irish/Welsh, what a bloody mixture!
1/2 phillipino (others think so but i honostly don't remember my own heritage
full korean (south not north (thank god))
Born in Wimbledon, UK
Lived in South Africa most my life
German heritage, my great-great grandfather came to South Africa in the mid 1700's
I'm alot of stuff, to the point beyond being confused. I don't know where to begin.

Irish, Scottish, and English its small bit, but it's there.
Welsh and Native American oddly divided
Dutch, Japanese, and Italian oddly divided
I don't believe I'm Jewish, though I've traced my family history to Israel.
I come from here, america, and i want all of you OUTlol im a native american goulash lol (ive been using that term since i saw "The Doe Boy")
I'm "mostly" caucasion- majority of my ancestors coming from Ireland, England. The not so mostly (I'm like one- sixteenth) part is Native American Indian- not exactly sure what tribe- possibly Cherokee. Born and raised in U.S.A, and same with the majority of my ancestors since the 1600- 1700's. Currently live in West Virginia, but I've moved around a lot, so I can't really call any state my "home".