When you were young... Did you ever Actually pull a Charizard out of a pack?

i was feelin it one day and i was like "d00ds im gettin one today i knows it" and my bro was liek "no you aint im the only one kool enuf fo' a charizard" so i buy i pack and i was like "do0o0ods i got one", and i peed everywhere then later that day i lost it/someone stole it i was fucking pissed
A friend of mine went to japan during that time, and his parents actually bought us both pokemon cards

I felt like a badass, since i had ultra rare, japanese versions

I traded them away for money, gameboys, a bicycle (no fucking shens, a diamondback bike)

then about 3 months later, they became lame
Yup got it in a pack for Christmas or my birthday, probably christmas.
I never pulled out good cards in my packs... I became depressed, addicted, and urged myself to steal from my friends, until I had them all, until I ruled the world.

No. Really though, I always got shitty cards so I ended up stealing my friends, and my cousin was a pokemon master he had like over 5,000 cards so he gave me some good ones. :)