When you are loosing you stay in the game and fight. You don't suspend your campaign?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Quitting is Un-American.

And what does it say to our enemies?

Doesn't John McCain know that Iran, North Korea and Bin Ladin are watching us looking for signs of weakness. Looking to see if America will quit when the going gets rough.

A President must be able to multi-task. That means solving a crisis and doing a debate. A President that can not meet this simple standard is a joke.

Americans do not quit. Even if you're loosing you never quit.

Do our Marines quit when the going gets rough? Or do they move forward. Do they keep pushing.

I want and need a President that absolutely positively will not quit or (suspend) or forfeit.

Its true John McCain was a war hero but he is living on past deeds. When John McCain suspended his campaign he lost my respect.

A Presidential quitter. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it?

Speak truth to power?

Mr. News