When will Roger Goodell leave?


New member
Nov 8, 2011
Seriously this motherfvcker has changed football for the worse, he's single handedly trying to take defenses out of the game. Players get penalized now just for touching the QB's helmet, I mean I understand if a player launches himself head first, but if a hand touches his helmet, it's a penalty. He fined Ryan Clark just this past week for head to head contact, THE WR LOWERED HIS HEAD. How can the defender protect that? It's on the WR if anything. Some of the best all time would not be able to make it in today's NFL, guys like Dick "Night Train" Lane, Dick Butkus, Lawrence Taylor, you know, the guys that paved the way. QB's throwing 350-400 yds/game IS NOT FOOTBALL. So, what's your take on this and when will Goodell finally leave?
Well, everyone in the rules committee's a bunch of a$$holes and I'm sure Goodell has something to do with it. All these rule changes didn't start happening till Goodell took over.
@Kevin: I'll see ya there
Party at my house when Goodell is gone.hes the worst commish ever in any sport!!!!!