when was the last time you had a good laugh ?

HeHe Earlier On This Evening, I Was Laughing At A Very Funny Email One Of My Other Contacts Had Forwarded On To Me, LOL
few seconds ago because i read a very funny question. Why are you a girl/boy?
Today! :)

I wasn't really laughing about anything specific. I was with my friends and whenever I'm with them we just crack up about anything. It could be the most random thing and we'd be laughing off like no tomorrow.
It's been a while since I laughed so hard...being sick all week, i really didn't feel much like laughing, but I am feeling better and hope to laugh like crazy soon!

Tee Hee
yesterday in science class. we had to walk a person blindfolded around the school and i was walking my guy and suddenly he turned away from me and walked into a wall before i could stop him we were laughing so hard.
Earlier this evening. I was on the phone with a friend and we were just talking about things.
new years eve. Because my aunt told us that in my cousin got so drunk on christmas eve that when she went to bed my aunt told us she got up probably to go to the bathroom and she fell down and she started to turn around in circles in the ground hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha