When septic trucks drain tanks, do/can they release any mist/moisture out the


Active member
May 11, 2008
truck? How bonafide are they? I just got to work and noticed our septic tank was being drained by the truck, and it was typical operation; Hose going into the tank, and then other end on the back of the truck. Now, I also noticed a small wind-driven shower of moisture coming from the front of the truck. I did my best to avoid it. Now, of course it smells like ****, but is that moisture from the ground and is it harmful, or is it some sort of mechanism the truck has? Thanks!

*The moisture was steam like almost, and I should clarify, the entire area smells like ****, not just what I thought might be from the 'mist'. How unhealthy would it be to catch a breath or two of this?