When people make a perverted joke, do you find it funny or dumb?

it depends on the joke. usually not.

but today someone made a joke that was perverted and it was actually quite funny. i think its only funny cause of the way they say it.
True, I am asexual, and this offends me.

EDIT: Look at all those heterosexual and homosexual TDs. Racists. Asexuals ftw.
well, to young kids it may seem funny, but some jokes like that can be funny, though most are just wrong.
It totally depends on what the joke is, the timing, the delivery of the joke, and whether or not that joke is suitable for said time and place. for example i dont think its funny to make perverted jokes at church lets say. but if u were with pals just hanging around then yes it can be funny. i find "That's what she said" jokes funny and you can say them just about anywhere and i dont consider these jokes overdoing it. example: u and firends are just talking and someone says "man that was quick..." u would quickly say "That's what she said!" and the meaning is perverted without having to say much, and its funny.