When out hiking what is suitable attire.....?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Voters in the heart of the Swiss Alps have banned naked hiking after dozens of mostly German nudists started rambling through the picturesque region.

Citizens in the tiny canton of Appenzell Inner Rhodes voted overwhelmingly at their traditional open-air assembly to impose a 200 Swiss franc (£119) fine on offenders.

The Landsgemeide is a popular assembly that takes place every year on the last Sunday of April.

Participants vote by raising their hands to decide on local issues, a privilege reserved only to men until women were admitted in 1990.

Only a scattering of people opposed the ban on the back-to-nature activity that took off last autumn when naked hikers started showing up in eastern Switzerland.

German websites promoting the activity describe it as "a special experience of nature, free and healthy" and said nude walking in the Alps was an ancient pastime.

The verdant Appenzell region is a favourite with nudists thanks to its trails off the beaten path.

The local government recommended the ban after people objected to encountering walkers wearing nothing but hiking boots and socks.


Well, apart from the cold affecting wobbly bits on the body, there is also the problems of prickly bits, in sensitive areas...........

So would you consider a naked hike, or would the socks and hiking boots be far to Faux Pas for you?
LOL Steve, I managed to persuade the boys that the boots were 'more me' x
I'm very shy so going hiking in the buff is a no no. anyway the fear of touching poison ivy is enough to keep me dressed in armor to scale the peaks.
So they are in effect saying that it is OK to wander about wearing pervy leder hosen and silly hats?

Sounds like something out of Benny Hill ;-}

Extremely offensive those boots and socks and I think if you were true to the cause they would be left at the foot of the mountain.
Not those tights or shoes Zoe they are no good,the gorse wil rip them to shreds in no time.