when jesus will decend again on earth will there be a fight between the

The book of Revelation, a fight between God's army, led by Jesus, and Satan's army.

Guess who wins?

Whose side will YOU be on? Satan's, who ends up in a fiery lake of burning sulfur, or God's, who end up in heaven?
I am not sure if you have noticed but it seems that every time they come here to earth it is to harvest man and till the soil for the next season of growth. Does it not seem that each and every time the harvest gets more abundant? Like in the past the harvests, the big ones took maybe a few thousand humans. And as time and man has become more abundant here on earth the harvests also have become much more abundant. Look at the harvests of World War One and World War Two. Millions of humans went on those harvests. God got a lot of crop those years He visited us. Now we expect the next visit to take a lot more than a few million. It may be the big harvest season coming up and God is going to get His for sure.
But Jesus will never descend on earth because he is dead unless he was a walking skeleton
Daniel 2:44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

All of of those kings are under the control of Satan as Jesus said in Matthew 4:8.

Jesus will destroy not only Satan but his wicked sytem in earth.
from Muslim. Jesus Christ son of Mary ppu them will descent soon and kill the anti- christ