When Iran triggers a nuclear weapon on US soil, will we be glad we argued over


May 13, 2008
"health care" all year long? Obama has taken his eye off a very serious problem.
I love how these deniers have their heads in the sand. Yes, they dont have a bomb-yet. But Iran is working as fast as they can to develop a bomb. At the rate they are going and with nobody to stop them it will only be a matter of a few short years before they are a nuclear power.

I suggest those of you who think this is all "Faux News" propaganda need to read up on what is going on in the world today. It is not only Fox News reporting on the dangers and how Iran is working to develop a nuclear weapon.

well, hey, dumbass, maybe thats what the departments in the goverment are for. Home land defence, Department of defence, all those good things
And when is this nuclear weapon that doesn't exist supposed to be launched?
LOL Thanks for the laugh. Iran has no nuclear weapons, no way to get them to the USA if they did, absolutely zero reason to do so if they did, and a huge American nuclear arsenal to deter them anywise. It deterred Mao and Stalin, who were vastly more a danger to the USA than Iran could ever be. And of the course there's the fact that Iran is one of the world's more peaceful peoples, they haven't attacked another nation for centuries.

This question is silly even by comic book standards, Faux News watcher I assume?
America has a history of invading countries based on a lie that it holds weopans of mass destruction.
Its safe to assume America will continue and go into Iran. Killing innocent people based on another lie that it holds weopans of mass destruction.
Never mind the civilians they kill in their crusade of westernising the middle east.

It would not surprise anyone at all.
I cannot imagine ever being happy we argued over "health care". The only thing we heard about more than healthcare was Tiger Woods.

Robert Spencer and Jihadwatch are interesting with regards to the "waking up" of America to various Islamic political activities. We are being groomed for a takeover and a makeover...hopefully one which does not include nuclear radiation therapy. But hey, who knows? Give a kid a toy....