Whats wrong with my mitsubishi 73 inch dlp tv?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Just got a 73" dlp tv. Just turned it on for the first time and everything about it works fine except for 2 blurry patches on the screen when the screen is black. They arent real bright but theyre definetely noticeable. Ones a little off to the right from the middle and the other is kind of off to the left neart the bottom. Both are relatively the same shape. They look like tall vertical lines, like 5 inches, with an x throgh the middle of it giving it the appearence of blurry six sided cross/star shape. Is this a problem that can be fixed or are these blurs always going to be there? Do these tvs come with warranies that cover a problem like this? Has anyone else who's boughten this tv had similar problems?