What's worse, having a lot of bragging laker fans or a bunch of whining...


Jun 2, 2008
...and crying laker fans? Laker fans were bragging about 3 peating when they thought they got Chris Paul, Hell some fan even has Lakers for a 3 peat as his username, how crazy is that?

And after the trade got cancelled all i see is a bunch of losers crying over Stern cancelling the trade, without realizing that the reason the NBA went on a lockout was because Big market teams were forming super star teams.
First off I do not see this guy as a lakers fan

Anyway I am a die hard lakers fan, but not one who is all in your face type of guy. I know my team is old and getting Paul would of made us much better. I am upset on how the NBA could end up and how they did not fix this problem during there meeting.

What will anger me the most is if Paul goes to another team. It will be like the owners are trying to determine where a guy goes instead of looking at what trade value you can get for a guy. If it ends up being the Knicks I will go nuts.

Anyway wish we can still get him, but if not hope Paul and Odam are not pissed about being traded and coming back to LA.
Crying Lakers fans because they forget the fact that they have had some of the most biased events in history happen in there favor. Pau Gasol for Kwame the referees handing them the WCF against the Kings etc. Karma happens quit whining and moaning and accept the fact that just this once something didn't go in your favor. They can't accept the fact that they have crappy trade assets and there was better trades on the table but Paul leveraged the hornets to take the worse Lakers deal. Your team is old Bynum isn't a prospect anymore and the other teams are passing you by get over it.Attempting to say Lakers haters are crying because they are commenting on the mass b***hing and moaning all over this place is stupid it doesn't accomplish or prove anything. You are the ones crying we are merely pointing it out and laughing.Superstar PF and 6th man LOL they are past there prime they have 3 or 4 good season left at maximum so yes it would be a superstar team getting younger for older players with bad contracts that also sets you up capwise to be able to acquire Howard. How ignorant can you be pretending like Odom and Gasol are 25 like Rondo is.
It's like a lose-lose situation dealing with certain LA fans. When things are going good, some like to brag, and flaunt their teams success, talking about "oh this is such a glorious day for LA, stop crying everyone." But then when things go bad those same people whine about it all night long, even when they claim they're happy with the deal, and were getting on others for crying. That's some of the hypocrisy you can find with certain LA fans, that make the rest look bad.
Your a crybaby.

It's a superstar team because we lost a super star power forward and the 6th man of the year ?
One. Your a dumbass. Two. That's not why we had a lockout, that's why the lockout took so long to get past. We had a lockout because the NBA had no CBA. Three. Anyone who knows anyone about basketball knows LA got screwed and it's bulls***. Laker fans have a right to be excited, and then pissed. Dint whine, like your excusing La fans of doing, just because your team can't beat the Lakers, with or without, CP3