What's the best way to get the smell of cigarettes off you? (apart from a shower)?


New member
Sep 8, 2009
i didn't know were to post this so yeh.. singles and dating LOL
im not "worried" about it, i just don't want to rock up to my job interview reeking of it
i'll be uncomfertable at the interview unless i have a smoke b4 btw, so not smoking before is out
Wash your hands with Soap or try changing your shirt and put your hair up when you puff puff pass,lol
Strong Mints for your mouth, and Lots of body deodorant, makes sure u spray
A:Your Hands/Fingers
B:Your Neck
C:Upper body
D:Spray the air infront of your face and quickly walk into it.
Hmm, well, I don't think mint gum really works. Try a perfume or a body spray that smells kind of like baby powder. Try bubble gum.
easy my friend you stop smoking all together
its a bad habit like masturbating
Burn a lot of incense or put on some patchouli oil. They don't really make it go away, but they cover it up pretty well. You might also consider chewing gum afterwards, and putting some hairspray in your hair.
Maybe a little perfume or body spray. Try smoking lights instead of heavy ones. The other option of course to quit smoking. Or maybe you can't really get smell off of you. Try holding the cigarette away from you and blow the smoke away from your body.
never mix anything sweet with cigarettes...it will smell worst....i think the best thing to do is just stop....But you cant get rid of the smell....unless you take a shower
:-( Stop smoking. If you're hiding it from a boyfriend, then just stop. I had a girlfriend who I dated for years who smoked a couple times and hid it from me. She couldn't hide it though-- I knew, and it hurt my feelings so bad. There's nothing positive that comes out of smoking. It's an expensive and a body destroying habit. Try to quit... you really don't need to smoke. I'm in California, San Diego, and all my guy friends here think that a smoking girl is gross anyway. And no-- I'm not some nerdy freak.. haha. ;-) We say that a girl that smokes, pokes. Maybe that's you?
i'd like to say don't smoke, but you won't listen right? LOL
I've smoked before too, i quit now thou.
Mostly the smell of cigarette is from you not inhaling it deep enough so the smell lingers in your mouth. For me before, I'd just smoke, drink water and no one can smell it. if I'm with people that some the it gets all over my hair. Your clothes get SOME smell but your hair absorbs the most, so just keep your hair tied up or just damp it with water after.
dont smoke for too long =)