What's the best way to defend myself in court if I was wrongfully accused of...


New member
Dec 9, 2010
...speeding? I was traveling down Interstate 70 in Missouri where the speed limit is 60mph. I travel this route every week, Monday through Thursday, and I know that cops set up speed traps in a particular area. I always make sure to watch my speed ESPECIALLY while going through this area. The other day I was in the left-hand lane going 60mph, and when we start getting close to the speed trap area the car in front of me begins to slow down and he eventually reached 50mph and continued to decelerate. I decided to pass and I put on my blinker moved over and began to accelerate to pass him. I know for a fact that I never went over 60mph while passing. However, a bit up the road I was pulled over by a cop (who was told by the cop that was doing radar that I was speeding) and he said that I was registered as going 71mph. I told him numerous times that I was not speeding, but he ignored me. I'm not sure exactly how they assumed I was going 71; maybe because I was passing a car who was going extremely slow?

Also, it just so happens that 11mph over the speed limit is the difference between $150 ticket and $200 which I think is absurd. These cops set up this same speed trap 3 out of the 4 days that I take this route. I know they're there and I don't speed.

I know that I was not speeding, and I am very upset by this because I shouldn't have been pulled over in the first place. I really don't want to take this to court, but I will not sign it saying I was guilty either because I'm not guilty of anything. This is my first ticket in the 5 years I've been driving and I have no history of trouble with the law. I have a clean record! Any advice on what I should do?