What's The Best Internet Site To Meet A Someone?


May 15, 2008
Freshly divorced, but living in a state with no family or friends... I need to meet some NORMAL, REAL men and fast!
I was so there a little over a year ago I went yahoo, e-harmony, and match.com. I met alot of men and alot of them were losers. I ended up finding my current boyfriend on Match.com. We have been together for a year now. But you need to know you are going to have to weed threw alot of people to meet the one right for you. Good luck

I used this site for 2 hours.. had tons of hits. I met a really great man who lives only 30mins from me. I love this site and have hooked all my friends into it.

the best part is.. IT'S 100% FREE. check it out! good luck :)
I think match.com. If you use a pay site there are less fakers. You still have to be careful though.
Depending on your location, singles.net and farmers only are fun. 90% fakes seems to be the average..be really careful. Lots of creeps, rejects and losers out there.
The best one's are Match.com and E-harmony. Just because they have the highest success rate. Also check to see if you're town has any speed-dating events or even a local website. Sometimes the best way to meet a genuine person is through a small not very well known local website. Good luck! : )