what's something funny to say during an awkward moment?


May 13, 2008
I'm realizing that there are sooo many awkward/silent moments in my life when I'm with other people so i want to be prepared this time!!! I want something that would be really funny to blurt out like "STOP THE YELLING!" haha or something like that. tell me what you guys think!
Right!! I always say "that's a nice boulder, a mighty fine boulder" or "Do you think this shirt is gay?" if the person says "Yeah, that shirt does look gay" You could say "Oh, well that's not what your mom said when she lent it to me last night:)" Lol. When I'm in class and someone knocks on the door I smush my face against the glass and say "Do you have a gun?!" Or when I prove a teacher wrong I'll say "Score 1 Mrs. Dunlap" or what ever your teachers name is. I also run down the halls at school yelling "Whoop there it is" I'm very random so Hope I helped:) Duecesssss
I usually just yell out "So HOW ABOUT THEM LAKERS?!" And people laugh xD