What's going on with today's generation of high-school kids?


Jul 6, 2008
They're so immature. I'm a Freshmen in high-school and it seems the only guys (in the Freshmen class) that get the girls are the pothead ones who talk nothing but sex and turn everything into a sex joke.

I feel like I'm more sophisticated, but yet more boring. I mean, here's an example:

Her: "Heeyyy whatzzupp?"
Me: "Oh not much, just sitting at home on the computer. What about you?"

And here's a guy that gets girls----------------------------

Her: "Heeyyyyy whattzzzuppp?"
Him: "nm"
Her: ":]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]"

I mean what the Hell? Also I see these "good-looking" guys and they're all scrawny as Hell wearing tight jeans, big shirts and screwed-up shoes what do girls see in that?

Not only that, but the guys will also tell their girlfriends they're not allowed to text any other guys (this happens to some of my good friends ALL THE TIME) and its as if the girl is hypnotized.

Last but not least, these "good-looking" guys turn everything INTO SEX RELATED! And I try to have a good conversation and they just leave!! I mean what can I do?
