What's an interesting science topic to write 15 pages about?


Jun 2, 2008
We need to do a research paper off anything science. It has to be 15 pages, so what has a lot to write about? Thanks.
An easy one would be the Cassini spacecraft, which has been orbiting Saturn for several years and keeps making discoveries. Pick out the most interesting ones, spend a little time googling them, and you will have little trouble filling up 15 pages.

Many scientists at NASA believe that the Moon is hollow, like a tennis ball... There are many books on this subject and interestingly enough, there are also many books dealing with the subject of a hollow Earth... L:et's see you get your teeth into that !...... :0)
Since you're asking in Astronomy and Space there'll naturally be a bit of bias. Anyway I'll say detection of extrasolar planets. I think it's a good topic because the methods used to find them are easy to understand and there are several, the equipment used is likewise fairly easy to describe, there've been some real surprises in the results that shattered our old ideas, and it's a very active field of study at present with incredibly exciting near future prospects. (Most notably we might actually determine the composition of the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet soon - and certain compositions, if found, would be a HUGE sign of life!)
You could write about the old Testament and why it is nonsensical from a Scientific prospective.It could get you in trouble.take care.
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors.
Depleted Cell Organ Scaffolding.
Computer simulation of the human brain.

It's really more a test of your imagination in selecting a subject and your research skills, 15 pages isn't a lot of material to write.
The planets found in other solar systems (over 850 so far).
The Curiosity rover on Mars.
Cassini mission at Saturn (and the Huygens probe that landed on Titan).
How about why there have not been any major scientific advances over the past 100 years? This would be massive ground breaking stuff, like the development of electromagnetism into a viable commodity (radio, video, lasers, electricity, electric motors ...). Or the application of the atom into a useful tool.

The stuff we have today is refinements of stuff that was first discovered in the 19th and early 20th century. Why haven't there been new, fundamental discoveries been made?

Things like the microprocessor are refinements of the transistor, which itself is a refinement of the vacuum tube. Some of the key concepts in computer processing come from Ada Lovelace, who figured out stuff such as programming loops while working with Charles Babbage (the computer) in the 1800's.

That's actually worth 15+ pages, not counting the sheer amount of research needed.
Colonization of Mars!
Black holes theories!
Dark Matter!
Quantum Physics!
Those are some, that I would suggest to you. Colonization of mars is a huge and modern topic!
i did a research paper on the space program its history. its presents its purpose and why it stopped and i wrote about 10-12 pages so try that or any of alphas ideas are good ones !!!