whats a good workout routine to look more ripped without haveing to go to the...


New member
Jan 26, 2009
...wieghtroom everyday? heres the deal.i wanna be able to look better(mostly my abs)but be able to do it by summer without having to go to the wieghtroom everysingle day.any ideas?
There are loads of programs, diets and gadgets but I take the popularity view i.e. if a lot of other people have used a product and got good results, then go with that.

I saw this the top-seller other day and judging by the results others have got, it looks to be just what you need.
Everyone has a 6-pack already. The problem is the muscles on that six pack might not be very pronounced and everyone has a layer of fat on top of the abs. Abs honestly can't be made much bigger than what they are(a little through exercise, but not substantially) so the only way to get the ripped look is to try to maintain the muscle mass you have while doing cardio and burning off as much fat as possible. I've got a group of friends getting together a couple times a week where we're doing what we can through March to bulk up on muscle and then from April until June, we're going to run like mad and let the muscle tissue burn off our fat until we get that look. The more muscle you ahve the faster fat burns.

Best of luck.