What's a good title for a teen romance novel?


May 14, 2008
I'm writing a humorous romance novel for teens(I'm 15) and I can't come up with a title.

Summary: Emma and Luke have always been close, closer than most 15-year-old opposite sex best friends, so when Luke asks Emma to teach him how to cook over the summer, she naturally says yes. After spending endless summer evenings together in the steamy kitchen under the scorching Texas sun, Emma and Luke begin to fall for each other. Emma's always been comfortable around Luke but can he get her to open up and drop her guard enough to let him steal her heart?

Additional Information: Luke's favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs and that's the first thing they make together
Love is Meat in Our Meatball During Summer.
Lofood (Love+food)
I Smell Love in Spaghetti, Darling!
Pan My Heart But Don't Overcook!
Name it Spaghetti and Meatballs :) thats cute and totally makes sense! They go together like peanut butter and jelly just like Luke and Emma ;)