What would i take with me on a hike of the appalechians?


May 20, 2008
After i graduate high school i plan on taking a hike from maine to georgia that will take about 9 months. i will be going with one of my other friends and we've both got enough experience to survive in the wild, but this isn't supposed to be hardcore camping. what sort of things should i bring? obviously food water knives, ect. But can you tell me specifics. also i want to know if i would be able to bring a rifle or revolver or even a bow to hunt. Would that be allowed? any help would be greatly appreciated. and please dont tell me i need to go to college first, when i get back I'm going directly into the military and then college.
Use a checklist, here is a good one.

Plan on modifying it after the first week or two along the trail most folks dump stuff regularly at the first check point.

Talk to folks who have been there done that, and are doing that right now at,
Learn to abbreviate etcetera before you attend college.

You will not be likely to be hunting for provisions on the Appalachian Trail. State laws govern the harvesting of game, so you will need to comply with wildlife regulations of different jurisdictions.

You should have overnight backpacking experience before attempting to complete the Appalachian Trail. You will either plan to purchase provisions along the way or mail yourself supplies to gather at post offices in communities adjacent to the trail. A hike on the Appalachian Trail usually costs thousands of dollars in supplies. Usually, the backpacking trip is made over more than one year.

Study guide resources and plan segments of the Appalachian Trail before you begin.
When the equipment list goes food, water, knives, It's easy to tell you don't have much experience. If you have to ask what you need to take you might need a little more experience don't you think. Most folks who do the A.T. do it in a lot less time than nine months. Maybe you should start with some shorter trips.

Taking a weapon to hunt with is not very practical. First, you are only allowed to take game during the proper season. Second, you need the appropriate hunting license in each state that you pass through. (same thing for fishing) Third, might make it difficult to catch a ride to town for supplies. Fourth, might catch the attention of the local authorities needlessly.
9 months IS hardcore camping. Look into backpacking gear, especially ultralight - for that long of a trip, every ounce you shave off your pack will save you pain in the long run. You should be able to find lots of guidebooks about the AT. No, I really doubt you can do much if any hunting, as the AT is rather heavily traveled. You will need to plan food for your whole trip, sending packages to various points along the trail where you can pick it up.

If you've never done backpacking before, you may want to start with a smaller trip. A trip of this length can cost several thousands in supplies.