What would happen if this was incorporated into a book?


New member
Feb 25, 2013
What would happen if one was to base a character in their book off of a real person in their life (be it an annoying boss, and old friend, and ex-spouse, etc), but tweaked the name slightly; for example, Jane Waters could become June Walters or something like that. If you poked fun at aspects of these people's lives in your book without getting too specific, could they sue you? Thanks!

I'm asking because I'd like to base a character on an extremely annoying boy who used to go to high school with me, but just change his name slightly. He wouldn't necessarily be "an inspiration" for the character, because I would make sure to add in real life events in regards to him that took place during school, and true things he said/did to me. I would be somewhat specific; for example, in the sense that I may say that he worked in a clothing store, but I wouldn't go so far as to name the store
Just be careful. If people recognize him, and cause him trouble (teasing him, laughing at him) and he can prove that you based your character off him, he can sue you.
Whatever you do, make sure that you not only change the name, but add in some traits that are nothing like the guy/girl as well. Also, this goes without saying, make sure you clarify in the beginning of the book that all characters mentioned within the story are purely fictional. Any relations are coincidental. That should cover it, I hope.

Best wishes,
Whatever you do, make sure that you not only change the name, but add in some traits that are nothing like the guy/girl as well. Also, this goes without saying, make sure you clarify in the beginning of the book that all characters mentioned within the story are purely fictional. Any relations are coincidental. That should cover it, I hope.

Best wishes,
No, because the person would have no proof that you are "making fun" of them.