what would be the best way to meet one of the players at the rogers cup in montreal?


New member
Aug 13, 2011
im staying in the same hotel as the players and have tickets for the semis and the finals?
should i hang around the courts?
ive never been to the one in montreal before just toronto...
do you think they will be around the hotel like the gym, the restaurant or the bar?

and do you think rafa left already?? i was really looking foreward to seeing him play :(
but do u think he would still b at the hotel on the weekend?
umm since ur staying in the same hotel....u shd take advantage of that....am sure they will be sometime in the gym or restaurant or bar....& asking autograph or photograph in the free time give u better chance of getting it than on courts...cuz there will be whole lots of ppl mobbing there around them....

umm about Rafa I think he will be gone now...cuz....usually players don't stay after they loose in a tourney.... + he is playing in Cincinnati & which will start on 15th & he will prefer taking rest than staying in Montreal.

Good Luck....I hope u get some autographs :)
ask(steal) for a room key to one of the players room. then go inside and wait... jk ha ha dont do that