What would be a really romantic evening for me and boyfriend before I go away on


May 13, 2008
vacation? I am going away on vacation for a week and me and my boyfriend are so in love it's crazy. I really love him and I don't know how I'm going to be able to go a week without talking to him. What is a really nice romantic evening that I should plan before leaving(I already plan on having sex with him before I leave). I just want to know what you think would be really romantic and would help us last a week without seeing or hearing from each other.
p.s. There are no cell phones or laptops where I'm going.
I'm assuming your an adult.

I have 2 suggestions.

1. (Assuming you live near an ocean). Put together a basket of grapes, cheese and a nice bottle of red wine. Go there just before sunset. f it is allowed, build a fire on the beach . And if the beach is secluded enough, you could have sex right on the beach.

2. (At home) Make a candlelit dinner for the two of you. Rent a romantic video (unless you already have one). Then snuggle on the couch and take it from there.
I'm assuming your an adult.

I have 2 suggestions.

1. (Assuming you live near an ocean). Put together a basket of grapes, cheese and a nice bottle of red wine. Go there just before sunset. f it is allowed, build a fire on the beach . And if the beach is secluded enough, you could have sex right on the beach.

2. (At home) Make a candlelit dinner for the two of you. Rent a romantic video (unless you already have one). Then snuggle on the couch and take it from there.
Nothing will make it easier, but it would be nice to have a really great night to remember while you're apart. I know how hard it is, I've done it four times this summer alone, and my boyfriend is away right now, so you're not alone! :)
Plan a DVD evening. Pick out a few of your favourite romantic films, or comedies to make you laugh! The Notebook, The Lakehouse, How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days, Only You, Serendipity, Forrest Gump are good ones! Get blankets, pillows, snacks like strawberries, chocolate (a chocolate fondue would be really cute to feed each other from!), and sweet things that wont taste awful when you're kissing! Cuddle up on the couch under blankets, and start to watch a movie. Turn to him, and kiss him once. Not a short kiss, but enough to make him want more. Then turn away again and watch the movie. See what he does. You wont stay watching the movie for too long! The Notebook is a great film to have playing in the background as you kiss and cuddle..

If you dont like that, then try some of these..
The day before I left for three weeks, we wrote a letter together, and I took it with me to Germany to read when I was missing him. Write a paragraph each, and swap over, continue till you're done. Like a love letter, but more like a captured conversation, it's really sweet. :)

Play lovesongs (if you have an iPod, make a playlist) and sing to eachother. Have some fun, upbeat ones like 'Accidentally In Love'- Counting Crows, 'I've got my mind set on you'- George Harrison, 'You're the one that I want'- Grease, 'Kiss Me'- Sixpence None the Richer, '1234'- Plain White T's, 'Banana Pancakes'- Jack Johnson, 'Wishing and Hoping'- Ani Difranco, 'I'm Yours'- Jason Mraz, 'Lucky'- Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat and anything High School Musical- Cheesy, but fun! Have slower, more serious ones too, like 'Angel'- Jack Johnson, 'Crazier'- Taylor Swift, 'Making Memories of Us'- Keith Urban, 'A Groovy Kind of Love'- Phil Collins, 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing'- Aerosmith etc.

Make time for just talking aswell, but try not to talk about being apart, as it'll only get you upset and ruin the evening on you! When you start talking, who knows what you'll come up with, it'll be fun. :)

Remember, even though it's hard to leave him, when you get back your relationship will be so much better than you think is possible. :) It's hard at the time, but so worth it, I promise! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder... Good luck :)