What will technology be like in the future?


May 13, 2008
I learned today in my Mod-Civ class that hitler had planes much like the US air force uses today (jets)
though they werent completely alike, I realized how quickly technology has advanced in just under 70-80 years... My grandpa cant use a computer, I wonder what new technology i wont be able to use when Im 80. what do you think it will be like?
The wealthy will continue to get new toys every year. The former middle class and the lower classes (the new poor class) will get squat. Every once in a while Discovery Channel will come on and give you an idea of the new toys coming out. By the time you're 80 there may be some primitive android A.I. models and of course, the post human genetically engineered humanoid types will be running around trying to garner support for their future as the best thing since sliced bread. You won't know who's who, except they'll be brighter and prettier and stronger..You get the idea. It won't be necessary though, we'll be glad they arrived to "save us from ourselves". We'll have men on Mars while the people who go to bed hungry will sneak over 50% of the population of the Earth. Maybe we should set aside a day once a year (call it hunger day) in honor of those who are starving...Do some photo ops with government heads picking up little black babies in Africa covered with flies and giving them a big kiss while the guys on Mars zoom around picking up rocks with their 5,000,000 jeeps.
Humans will be merged with machines. And GM food will reduce the human population to at least 50%.

Bilderberg Objectives

The Group’s grand design is for “a One World Government (World Company) with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their “wish list” includes:

– “one international identify (observing) one set of universal values;”

– centralized control of world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion;

– a New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy;

– “a zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers;

– manufactured crises and perpetual wars;

– absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles;

– “centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies;” one size fits all globally;

– using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens;”

– expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;

– making NATO a world military;

– imposing a universal legal system; and

– a global “welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists targeted for extermination.”