What were you scared of as a kid?

Oh shit, I just remembered. I was dead afraid of sleeping in foreign houses, like a new friend or a relative.

I wouldn't be used to the noises at night like the AC oor furnace or if the house creaked. The bed would feel weird. If they had pets, they would move around at night and I'd either cry or hide. I'd usually hide under the covers and try and go to sleep as fast as I could. Then, of couse, I couldn't :crash:
and i couldnt sleep without a blanket over my feet because i was afraid of them getting grabbed or cut off.
I lol'd so hard because I was the same exact way. Still kinda am.

But I used to live in a haunted house when I was in 1st and 2nd grade, that fucked with my head. I still fucking hate ghosts.
I also did the same, but i wasn't afraid of the dark... I was afraid of being kidnapped by a black guy in the ally or something
I would run into my room and jump into my bed so that if there was a big hairy monster it couldn't grab me, and/or pull me under.
I was afraid of the dark..and I saw the part where the bed shakes and the girl walking upside down of the exorism..that scared me for a while..
The dark. My mind ran rampant with strange thoughts of some robber sneaking into our house, and it kept me up at night for a long time. For a while I went through a phase where I would have to cover my throat when sleeping because I was afraid of someone slitting it. Weird...