What were some of Nostradamus predictions that really happen?

ell, that can be proved conclusively, none. However, there is always room in interpretation that allows it. For example, Nos refered to a leader named 'Hister' that would cause a great war that would engulf the world and many people feel, without a doubt, that this is a reference to Hitler and WWII. He is said to also have predicted the French Revolution, the death of the Kennedy brothers, and 9/11. But, riddle me this - how can a 60 year old man, who has been online not even a year, Google this quesiton and you can't? Nostradamus predicted I would say 'shame on you!'.lol! Good luck!
None. Nostradamus has never PREdicted anything. his followers practice POSTdiction where they wait for an event to happen, then pour through the quatrains to see if they can mangle one enough to make it "fit".