What was Hitler's interest in the Occult and legends?


May 17, 2008
I have heard that Hitler was very interested in the occult. Supposedly he sent expiditions to Tibet to look for the Yeti because he thought it was the missing link, He sent people looking for the Spear of Longinus. What was up with this? I also heard that if the war would have continued for a few more months. Hitler would have made many new technological breakthroughs and ultimately won the war. Can anyone give me some ideas on what Hitler was working on, technological wise. And if he really sent teams out looking for occult items? Supposedly he actually found some and took them to a secret base in Antarctica.... Give me some knowledge people. Crypto-History FTW.
I don't know about all that rumor/hearsay nonsense that has NO place in History, but I know the Nazi party in general was keen on Germanic paganism in order to remove any power Rome might impose via the large Catholic population (as well as legitimize Teutonic dominance over Slavic people, Jews, etc.).

I guess watch HellBoy if you want a nice story. It's all anyone's guess at this point.