What type of relationship am I in?


May 18, 2008
Ok i'm a 16 year old girl. And I dated this guys and we broke up back last year. It was a nasty break up, but then all of a sudden friend groups mixed and we started talking again. Now since late december we've started hanging out together alone. And now when were together we kiss, he wraps his arm around me and we make out too. He claims I'm all his and doesn't like other guys liking me and he is always talking about when we dated and our relationship now is better then when we did date. Im just confused as to what type of relationship I'm in?
Also is it ok if I dates? I don't want to be known as a cheater.
I think he may be your friend with benefit, or your boyfriend. Has he made it clear that you two are together? I would ask him if you and him are dating. He said that "our relationship now is better then when we did date", so that must mean that the two of you are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's not okay to date other people if so. I would ask him if you're dating before even trying to date someone else. Just to be on the safe side.