What type of dog is this?


New member
Dec 1, 2009
so I am thinking German Shepard but I could be wrong



and this is my first puppy so how do I go about raising it, what do I feed it since it is still so young I think it is about 2 months old now, his name is "Teddy"...I didn't pick the name
Definitely a German Shepherd...

As for feeding it, give this a look over: http://www.gsdcv.org.au/sites/default/files/file/Growth%20and%20Feeding%20of%20Puppies.pdf

It's quite in depth and extensive and should give you some sort of an idea what to feed your new puppy (such as high iron or protein)
i think it's a german shepherd. you could always take it to the vet and they could tell you (if you really care). lol nice name by the way
This looks like a Belgium Sheppard rather than a German Sheppard, they are very similar in looks and temperament to a GS with subtle differences and less prone to hip displasia. I would recommend a check up at the vet and for it to be fed on a suitable puppy complete food. But obviously take advice from your vet rather than me
Looks like a GS to me. Feed it puppy food, teach it the training basics, love it and care for it!!!

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German Shepherd and the last link picture of the dog looks like a female and a 2 month old puppy's are way too young to ware a flea coller an feed her puppy food

If I'm wrong about the gender being female thethe picture is blurry