What to talk about when there is awkward silence with my boyfriend?


New member
May 1, 2011
Hey guys, I asked this before but I really need this, so I am just copying and pasting from before :)
So my boyfriend went overseas and he isn't coming back after a year :(. so we talk online and at first everything went good and all but now there is always awkward silence. I try to talk about random stuff like, "how is the weather there?" or "how are you likeing it there?" or even talk about whats going on here, but it just never lasts for a long time. I need to talk about somethings with him. He is always talking to someone else while he is talking to me, because he hasn't seen them in a long time and most of them are girls. I feel so weird and can't help but feel like he is having more fun with talking to them. I just want a conversation going and don't know what to talk about. Please help me with this, no rude comment please and no advertisment. I really need this thanks :) I try to joke around but he just replys "ha ha" which doesn't even last long. And also, we are in love with eachother and we want to be talking to eachother all the time. If a day I don't go online, then he emails me saying he misses me like crazy and I do the same when he doesn't come online. The problems with sending mails is that we don't get letters after a very long time. We both hate the wait so we decided to talk online because that way we could imagine ourselves talking to eachother irl. The thing is, when I do end the conversation quickly then he gets really upset and and angry at times. He sends me emails if i don't go online for a long time saying he misses me soo much and all. But when I do get on, there is nothing to talk about... just awkwards silence.
it shouldnt be awkward, talk about your feelings, and what your going to spend your time doing when you see eachother again. instead of always talking online, write letters to each other. its more personal, and easier to reply to.
it shouldnt be awkward, talk about your feelings, and what your going to spend your time doing when you see eachother again. instead of always talking online, write letters to each other. its more personal, and easier to reply to.