what to do when someone hears that there killing you and its just rumors..?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
i have an ex boyfriend in the dominican republic....and he was very obbusive while i was with him...Finaly i get to break-up with him and come to the U.S
i was thinking of going to the dominican republic for this summer b-c my family is having a very important party....
and The guy is a neighbor of my family...
i keep hearing rumors that hes saying he was going to kill me...
and i dont know if its true or not ...
(althouh while we were togeather he has said it when he ws mad at me)
Know i dont know what to do... the justice in dominican republic isnt the same as here..polices arent that aware like here....
what should i do i really dont want to Live like this...
i cant just stop going somewere b-c of someone
You need first and foremost to confirm this rumour because it's nothing to close a blind eye to. Many women have died at the hands of their spouses and exes, so please take this seriously whether it is true or not. Confirm and take action and yes you may have to change your plans over this. It is nothing compared to what could happen. Don't let pride overtake you in this. The price is far to high. Read the statistics on women violence and fatalities. Remember he was abusive and he has already threatened to kill you. Unless he has been in therapy for awhile, he hasn't changed! Don't take this lightly! Plan a trip to Hawaii instead and keep your peace of mind and your life!
You have to make a choice. Either you let your fears rule your life or you don't. No one can tell what to do because if you chose to heed that advice, you are the one who will have to face the consequence.
Just how important is this party to you? Once you can answer that then the choice is quite simple.