What to do when a child asks about sexual references/crude humour they see on TV?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Our house has only one TV, so when it's on, everyone watches it. Including my 5 year old sister.
One of her all time favourite shows is the Big Bang Theory, a comedy with many sexual references.
She loves the characters, and the best part- all the sexual references go straight over her head- until now.
Very recently she has begun to question what they are talking about, and what they are doing. Most of the time you can just tell her they are being silly, but sometimes it is a little harder to handle.

In situations where you can't answer her questions, what should we do?
What would be an appropriate response if, say, she sees them messing about under the blankets?

It seems as if we will have to just keep her in her room when the show is on, until she is mature enough to see it again...